Creating Change through Awareness of the Body

As I sit here and type the words that flow through my mind, I bring my awareness to my body and what I find is typical for most of us. I find that my shoulders, and back are rounded and hunched forward toward the computer screen. My neck is protracted forward as though hanging from a string over my thighs. My legs are bent at ninety degrees and slightly angled to the left and leaning. I take a deep slow breath scoot my chair forward, round my shoulders and straighten my back by focusing my core. I keep my awareness triggered and I can feel that I am slowly bending forward at the low back again, my neck still extends outward over my chest and my shoulders begin to round forward again. I retract my neck and though it feels awkward at first the slight tinges of pain begin to recede. I go through the process over and over again as I retrain my body to this new way of being. A constant process of paying attention to my body and bringing myself into the present moment.IMG_1680

Not very many people are masters of doing something the first time they do it. It takes practice and an awareness of what one is doing. Creating change in the body is the same way. Awareness allows one to focus into the areas of the body that have discomfort and recognize the causes leading to this pain. Humans are creatures of habit. We sit in the same manner, drive, walk, talk and even eat in a habitual stance. Once awareness is brought to each of these modes and beyond, a person can begin to create positive change by simply noticing and correcting the stance of their body.

It is beneficial to have a postural analysis done by a trained professional. As a massage therapist committed to creating change within my clients, my first meeting always includes a postural analysis. I am able to locate potential spots of chronic pain and help clients begin to learn their body and start the process of creating change.